What Makes Furniture Luxury?

Defining luxury is not easy, for some it is a certain feeling of aspiration or distinction. To others, it is an indicator of elegance or individuality.

The truth is, it can be all these things and none of them at the same time. Luxury is something that is uniquely personal, it is difficult to pinpoint, but when you see something luxurious it stirs within us a particularly unmistakable feeling.

For many something that provokes this feeling in an unmatched way is luxury furniture. Think about the beautiful curves and timeless heritage of an exclusive and ornate french dressing table or the artistic lines of an exquisitely crafted contemporary coffee table.

I’m sure that your imagination has just gone into overdrive as you picture how these gorgeous objects look to your eyes and feel on your hand, perhaps you’re thinking about how they would look in your house. That’s the beauty of well-made furniture, each item isn’t just a single object, it’s something that makes a room complete.

Whether it’s beds or frames for your bedroom, sofas, or chairs for your living room or gilded tables for your dining room, furniture is essential for almost everyone, but the difference between low and high-quality items is huge. So as you shop around, perhaps with an interior designer, what is it that gets furniture to a standard that makes it luxury instead of regular? Below is a guide to the requirements that we believe set certain pieces and collections apart from others.

Luxury Dining Room

Sophisticated Design

Whether classic or modern, good design is the initial building block to creating functional and stylish interior furniture.

Whether a designer is creating a chic large wall mirror or matching living room furniture, the finest collection will suit particular needs, whether that be practical or decorative.

Giving a designer the opportunity to push boundaries and be creative in their work is a policy that leads to a furniture range that is expressive and pushes all the right buttons in terms of aesthetic style.

An example – well-designed lighting will provide a light that fills a whole room, whilst complimenting the look and feel of the rest of the area.

Luxury Living Room

Distinctive Personality and Character

Within selecting luxury furniture, it is absolutely important that it helps in giving a feeling of identity to the interior of your home.

The difference that a new piece can make to a room is truly incredible. The character may take inspiration from exploring and discovering various world cultures, rustic nature, and a designer’s own imagination.

One important role of the furniture is that it should always help you realise and promote your distinct and individual taste, whether a simple and minimalist wall clock, an elegant and tasteful lamp or fashionable, cool seating. Defining and translating personality within a piece of furniture is imperative to capturing the qualities needed to enhance a home.

High-Quality Materials

A meticulous and creative design process can be rendered inconsequential if the materials used in production are not up to scratch.

The use of high-grade fabric, metal, wood, plastic, and glass is important in developing a product that looks of a high standard, feels incredible to touch, and lasts a significant amount longer than if low-grade raw-materials are used. These characteristics are particularly important when the end product falls into the ‘luxury’ category.

Professional manufacturers of luxury furniture put a significant amount of effort into selecting unique components that have stunning finishes, textures, patterns, and structure.

These materials come at a premium price, which of course adds to the final retail price, however when picked, for the reasons mentioned above they are very much worth the extra expense.

Take, for example, the particular dark grain of a designer coffee table that is only available when using oak or the special spring that you get from using sustainably-sourced feathers in the cushions of a corner sofa.

Luxury Bedroom Furniture

Expert Craftsmanship

Once ideas and plans have been formulated and the perfect material has been selected for a piece of furniture, the manufacturing process begins.

This is an area where the real value is found in terms of creating an overall luxury product. The finest craftsman has dedicated a large portion of their life to training and refining skills that set them apart from mass-production methods.

That is why handmade, bespoke furniture that is created to a distinct specification with the utmost care, using traditions passed down through generations is frequently of the very finest quality.

The connection between a craftsman and a customer is almost personal. A professional manufacturer knows the difference that a well-produced piece will make to customer’s homes.

You can instantly tell when something is poorly made and this instantly diminishes the value of a product that you create.

Attention to Detail

Throughout the process of creating a piece of luxury furniture, another of the most significant aspects to consider is the attention to detail that has been used.

There is a notable contrast between furniture where, unfortunately, every last element hasn’t been considered and where 100% of perfection has been strived for since the start.

Think of your favourite piece of furniture which is on display in your home; I imagine that it is offering a real wow-factor for you and your guests, it’s probably extremely comfortable, and the spacing is so perfect that it fits very well within each wall of your room and complements other items.

None of this is by accident; of course, multiple people within the business you bought your product from spent a significant amount of time considering every single constituent part and how they will work together to deliver a remarkable final product, which brings excitement and delight.

Luxury Furniture Collection

Value for Money

So far, we’ve discussed some of the tangible elements which are worth considering when deciding whether to purchase luxury furniture. But what makes you part with your hard-earned cash. Prices for luxury items are higher than for standard products, but this makes sense if you purchase something which does offer very high value for money.

If you’re going to treat yourself to something decadent, then knowing how to select from every shop that is out there is highly recommended, and finding value for money (and the hottest promotions) should be the main part of your search.

But what is this mythical phrase? People often mistake ‘value for money’ as just meaning the cheapest in the market, but this is absolutely not the case! Instead, for something to reach these criteria, you must feel that it is well worth what you are paying for it.

Durability is a good example of this.

Suppose that you need to purchase a very small sofa for your spare room, you could spend a small amount (say £300) and purchase something that is badly made and lasts 2 years before it starts to buckle and bend so much that it becomes very uncomfortable, however, you could spend more (say £1,200) and receive a product that is immaculately made and lasts for 20 years. You’ve paid three times the price, but the product lasts ten times as long. This is a sign that something is of great value for money.

A Wonderful Overall Experience

So you’ve read up and looked to shop around for your luxury furniture, with set requirements for your selection. You’ve been measuring up, perhaps you’ve consulted an interior designer and you’ve decided that you’re sold on a list of a few options. There are many famous worldwide brands out there, but the final element which should make you decide which shop to go with is the overall experience that you will receive. From start to finish you should discover an experience that is nothing short of sublime.

You may want to surf around and shop online, but you should think about going to browse their showroom (especially in areas like London) and finding out more about the furniture that you want to purchase. From the outset, you should meet the happy, friendly, and knowledgable staff who share the same values as you do and who want to assist in making your dream project a reality. When at the store, take time to listen to the advice that is being given and consider their experience for the services they are providing – it is very easy to determine the people who know their stuff and those who are not genuine! You may want to decide whether you should have something designed and custom made or from the shelf and this may be determined by the dimensions a piece needs to fit, although you should also give thought to how a piece of furniture will fit the ambience of the room it will be a part of. Try to weigh up designs and whether it will inspire a positive impression.

You should then scrutinise what the final parts of your purchase will be like. If you feel like you are being pressured into a decision, this may negatively inform your choice so ensure you are being given space and time to think. Discuss your payment and delivery options and make sure that these suit you. Finally, ask and evaluate what the entire service will be like after you make your purchase, were there to be a possibility that there was an issue with your furniture.

If you go through all of these stages, having researched and decided upon the furniture you wish to purchase, the experience provided by the shop or brand you wish to use should be the final consideration you make.


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